I have a question for you. Do you remember your first time? How was it? Did you enjoy it because of the adrenaline rush? Or did you hate it because it was so bad and made you feel uncomfortable? I think I was too young to remember....

You know I'm talking about your first scary movie experience right? What was the first scary movie you ever watched? Mine was (the original) Nightmare on Elm Street. I was about 9 years old and I'm pretty sure my parents didn't let me watch it so I must have been at a friend's house. I do remember watching the movie with my ears covered so I wouldn't have 'the song' stuck in my head and I know for a fact I didn't take baths for awhile, strictly showers for me after watching this cray movie. And remember what happened to Johnny Depp on his bed? Heck to the no! Freddy Kreuger played a role in my nightmares for a long time after that. In case you have never seen it, let me share my favorite scene with you...

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