Putting on a POT OF COFFEE at work may be the thing of the past. OR IS IT? Here at the radio station we use to put 'POTS' of coffee on in the morning. You now,FILTERS, COFFEE GRINDS, pouring the water down the the top of the coffee maker.

THEN the KEURIG came along. We got one I guess about 2 years ago. The first time you use one your like "What the heck do I do?" LOL. Now, it's like nothing. You basically open up the compartment for the little KEURIG CONTAINER OF COFFEE. Close it, push the button and place your cup underneath and in 60 seconds you have your coffee.

So what's the downfall, well you can only make 1 cup at a time. Which, could be a good thing. And another downfall is when you RUN OUT OF COFFEE containers which is where we are at here at the studios. I have been on a manhunt for coffee this morning. LOL

Do you have one of these at your office?


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