One word for this poor guy who was a contestant on Wheel of Fortune this week.....WOW. I can't help but feel bad for the man, but fair is fair. Here's the situation....

the puzzle was darn near solved, he only lacked one letter, so when it comes time to give the answer, he mispronounced the word 'curio' and just like that he loses his turn, his winnings and the next guy solves it no problem. Now the controversy is that Wheel of Fortune cheated the guy out of his winnings but others will argue that if he did not pronounce the word right then it's his bad and he did not deserve to win, plain and simple. The look on his face when he got the 'you're wrong' buzz is priceless, you can tell he knew the answer to the puzzle but just flubbed. What do you think? Should he have won?

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