Feeling Sick? Texans Share Remedies To Help Get Rid Of A Sore Throat
Unfortunately, it is that time of year. Kids are back in school, all packed together in the classroom, and almost instantly the little germs start spreading. It never fails, Around this time of year, someone or everyone in our household ends up with a sore throat, sniffles, and sneezing. And here comes flu season, you just can't win this time of year but if you are currently struggling with a sore throat, maybe this can help...
1. Eat marshmallows - I don't know why just try it, it works for my kids! (from a dear friend who I think is being played by her children) lol
2. Drink herbal teas- I have boxes of 'throat coat' in my pantry...next!
3. Lemon and peppermint candy/candy canes- my momma used to give me this when I was little, It never helped but I certainly never told her, Have you tried this combination? To.die.for.
4. Drink pickle juice -tried it! I wonder if eating 2 bags of popcorn at the same time was a bad thing?
5. SHOTS, SHOTS, SHOTS! The number of people that told me to drink everything from whiskey to Fireball to tequila was unreal. I lost count. Also, I am reevaluating my circle of friends. lol To be honest, I'm not going to lie, the first shot of whiskey I believe did work, I was feeling good but it wore off quickly. The second and third shots did nothing for me. Am I immune to the stuff?
KEEP READING: See 25 natural ways to boost your immune system

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