I don't know about you but with the "unofficial" end of summer last (Labor Day) weekend,I'm really looking forward to fall! The weather, football season, the holidays right around the corner and for me personally, fall television premieres! I hope my TiVo is ready for everything I have it set to record.....

'Tis the season for new seasons of your favorite fall television shows to begin. Just want to give you a quick rundown of some of my favorites (and hopefully yours too) and when they are set to begin. The much anticipated "X-Factor" with Ms.Britney Spears kicks off it's 2 night premiere on Wed-Thurs.Sept12-13th. On the other hand, you have Britney's former Mickey Mouse Club co-star Christina Aguilera, on "The Voice," which begins it's new season on Mon. Sept.10th. Then move on over to the Fox network for the return of "Glee," in which actress Kate Hudson will guest star on Thurs.Sept.13th. And last but definitely not least, my all-time fave, I'm seriously addicted, "Dancing with the Stars, All-Stars" kicks off on Mon.Sept.24th. Go Emmitt! The tough part of the fall season is trying to find time to actually watch all these shows I'm so looking forward to.

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