I just discovered something really gross in the workplace. Happens everyday, at work, in your home, public restrooms....people NOT washing their hands!!! Pay attention to your surroundings and I guarantee everyday you will come across someone who is apparently allergic to soap and water.  If there is anything in this world I am OCD about, it's handwashing. Why do people not feel the need to wash their hands after using the restroom? Did our mother's not teach us at a very young age to wash our hands? After you've been playing outside, before any meal, when you had your finger up your nose, digging for gold? Seriously! I have no problem calling out pretty much every male in my workplace (with the exception of Leo, because he knows how I feel about it) I work with some cochino's for real! Do you ever wonder when you meet someone for the first time, for example, you shake their hand and think, "eww, I wonder if his/her hands are clean?" Uggghh, gross. All I can say is Thank God for hand sanitizer! Carry it with me everywhere I go.

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