Does TEXAS Have The Sexiest Accent In The U.S.?
How many different accents does the United States have? Google says there are about 30 different dialects. For some reason, I thought there would be more. But, hey 30 is a bunch. And, of course, living here in TEXAS, we are all aware of the TEXAN accent. Some TEXANS have a stronger TEXAN accent than others but in some way, all of us TEXANS eventually gravitate toward talking in some sort of Texan accent.
Enjoy Travel dot com did a survey on which accents people felt were SEXY. Because, having a sexy accent is everything, right? LOL, So where did TEXAS fall on this list? Check out the TOP 7 accents that people thought were SEXY here in the United States below..
Well, we know the state IS sexy so are we surprised that the Hawaiin Accent is considered sexy? According to the article, the Hawain accent is Polynesian.
So if you live around the Mississippi River, you might have a sexy accent? They say it's a Deep South accent.
The article states about the Chicago accent...
Words like “but” and “cut” sound a bit more like “bought” and “caught”, and you’re not “looking at a picture”, you’re “lookin’ atta pitcher.
Yes, this is the accent from the MAINE area. They say that a lot of people who have this accent drop their r's
Well, of course, the New York accent would be on the list, right? lol
The accent is called Bostonian. You have heard Mark Wahlberg talk, right? Do you think it's sexy!?
#1 • TEXAS
Well, of course, the TEXAN accent is #1. Did you know it was THIS SEXY? Apparently, it's very sexy. Ya'll agree with this list?
Who can resist a slow, Texan drawl? Not us, and not our community, clearly. The typical Texan accent is a “Southern accent with a twist”, with strong ‘r’s and plenty of ‘Howdy’s’. America’s sexiest accent? We’d have to agree.
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Gallery Credit: Leo
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