Well, it's down to tomorrow. Tomorrow night we will know whether it's President Obama or President Romney for the next 4 years. It's come down to this. And, while it's our duty to go out and vote maybe we already know who the winner is. According to certain 'predictors' or should we say 'superstitious' facts from trends in the past there might be indicators on whose gonna win. Check out these.

  1. The Redskins Rule  Since 1936, the Washington Redskins' performance in their final home game has served as one predictor of how the general election will swing.  Redskins win, the incumbent stays in power, they don't, then the other guy wins. The glaring exception is in 2004 when the Redskins and John Kerry both lost. So according to yesterday's game : Romney Will Win.The Panthers defeated the Redskins this past Sunday.
  2. 7-Eleven Cup It's all about who sells more cups. The convenience store started selling Republican and Democratic coffee cups in 2000, and the party with the most mugs sold wins the Oval Office. OBAMA will win: The incumbent holds a commanding 59 percent to 41 percent lead in the 7-11 election.
  3.  Lakers Law If the Lakers go to the NBA Championship during an election year, the Republican candidate will be in the Oval Office. This has been true eight times in the past – 1952, 1968, 1972, 1980, 1984, 1988, 2000 and 2004. It was wrong four years ago, though. Who will win: Obama. The Lakers missed the NBA Finals, which was won by the Miami Heat.
  4. Halloween Masks : This is a crazy stat. The the number of Halloween masks has correlated to the winner of the Electoral College since Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy Carter in Halloween mask sales. Who will win: Romney. Romney holds a 2 percent lead over Obama, according to BuyCostumes.com.

    Guess we will just have to see the results tomorrow night!

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