Chris Brown has been known to express his opinions through Twitter -- for better or for worse. He's gone on rants, deleted the social networking site and even engaged in some beef through tweets. So it comes as no surprise when Breezy shared his thoughts on Ebola.

Instead of seeing the fatal illness as an unfortunate natural occurrence, the singer sounds like a conspiracy theorist in his tweet. "I don't know ... But I think this Ebola epidemic is a form of population control. S--- is getting crazy bruh," he writes. Brown believes the government is trying to control the world's population by infecting people with the disease.

With over 8,900 cases diagnosed and the death toll hitting 70 percent, the disease has been one of the central topics on the news in past weeks. However, with two diagnosed cases in the U.S., where the 'X' crooner lives, and most of the cases being in West Africa, his thoughts are a bit far-fetched.

It looks like Brown realized the same thing and took back his previous comments only minutes after tweeting his conspiracy theory. "Let me shut my black ass up!" he tweeted.

While it's good to know that he's aware of what's happening in the world, next time we think Chris Brown should think before he tweets.

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