Sometimes when I go to the grocery store I get a little hungry. I mean who wouldn't? Walking around all the food can get your stomach grumbling. Would you ever catch me snacking before I check out, never! Ya girl is just too much of a scared-cat.

Even though I am terrified to do this, I have seen plenty of people munching in the grocery store. Some are walking up and down the aisles eating a banana or opening up a bag of chips for their kids. But is this illegal in Texas? The answer may shock you.


This answer is a two-parter.

You may have a craving so bad that you need to open that bag of chips, technically this is legal. According to, fixed-price items are okay as long as you pay for the item at check out. Even with this being legal, you may get some weird looks from the other customers and workers.

Items that are priced by weight are a different story. If you get a bag of grapes and eat a fourth of them, that's sales revenue the store won't be able to account for. This is considered stealing and will get you into trouble.


That's the real question! Yes, eating from the bag of chips may not get you into trouble but out of courtesy let's wait until you get out of the store. Those grapes may look tempting but let's leave them in the do not disturb pile in your basket. They aren't worth the jail time and a picture on the store's wall.

The Top 7 Germiest Things You Touch in a Grocery Store

You won't believe just how many nasty, germy thinks you touch in a grocery store. Maybe it's time to get the hand sanitizer out.

Gallery Credit: Gary McCoy

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Most Texas people are gracious in public. But some didn't seem to get the 'memo' regarding how to treat people when, grocery shopping, for example. Here are 12 of the rudest things we can do at the grocery store.

Gallery Credit: Tara Holley

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