Why am I like this? Curiosity killed the cat. Isn't that how the saying goes? I was chatting with a group of friends over the weekend and the topic came up of living in places that were haunted. One of the ladies in the group said that pretty much every place she has lived has been haunted. She has seen and heard ghosts everywhere she goes! My response? NOPE!

Then another person in the conversation said that a few years back, she had just moved to the area and decided on some apartments in Midland. It was within her budget, she was new to the Permian Basin and it was a perfect fit, she moved in.

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As she began to get settled in and make friends and meet the neighbors, one of them asked her, 'you know these apartments are haunted right?' To which my friend replied, 'um no, had I known that...' I immediately asked her which apartments they were because I wanted to do a little digging. She said they are the Santa Fe Apartments off of loop 250. So my inner investigator got to work and this is what I found:

According to hauntedplaces.org,

Aparttment 2F is considered haunted after some sort of extremely violent event in the early 2000s. The staff decided to re-rent the place with new doors and carpets. At first the showers would go on by themselves and the closest apartment, which was closed each night, was open at mornings. This started getting worse as hair pulling and things getting thrown started occurring. Ripping papers with prayers and scratching of furniture with evidence of these markings. The attacks got more physical. Dogs would not enter the main room – they would get water or other things thrown at them. Several exorcisms took place but the “things” always came back worse. Residents were pulled out of bed and started to find mysterious bruises on their bodies.

Did I just read the manuscript for a scary movie or is this real life? The story my friend told is true! The Santa Fe Apartments have experienced some stuff. I heard recently that a murder occurred in one of the apartments and the person who was murdered is the one causing all of the strange occurrences.

Have you ever heard this story or have you lived in these apartments and found it to be true? Do tell!

Zillow House Gone Crazy

Zillow House Gone Crazy 
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