Leo and Rebecca are always messing with poor little ol’ me.


Today they gave me hell about my “business card holder” which I thought was perfectly acceptable. While I haven’t figured out a weakness in Leo yet, Rebecca is easy to get revenge on. She’s is scared of pretty much everything other than snakes for some strange reason. Serioulsy, we had two guys come in the studio with rattlesnakes a week or two ago and Rebecca handled that like a G, but show her a pic of the mouse loose in the studio and she flips out and runs off screaming.


Leo is much harder to figure out. I seriously know nothing about his fears and phobias. It really isn’t fair. Does anyone know something I don’t about our beloved Leo Caro? Hit a brotha up at b93.net if you do! I must know his weakness. I must seek out revenge on Leo once and for all!! Bwahahahahahahahahah!!!! On second thought, he’s my boss so maybe that’s not the best idea. Sorry Rebecca but it looks like I’m going to the pet store to buy you a new pet rat. We shall name him Basil.

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