Georgette Cline is employed by XXL. Visit the official XXL staff contact page here to see all current employees. No one from XXL would ever ask you for money in exchange for coverage on our site, in our magazine, or on our social networking accounts. If someone reaches out to you from an Instagram account that isn’t @XXL or an email address that isn’t from and asks you to pay cover coverage, it's a scam. The only official social media pages for Georgette Cline are: Georgette Cline does not have a TikTok account.
Georgette Cline
Lil Durk Pleads Not Guilty to Murder-for-Hire Charges, Trial Date Set
Lil Durk faced the judge in court today.
Go Behind the Scenes of a Cypher With Ferg, Sauce Walka and Ab-Soul and See a New Freestyle
Sauce Walka and Ferg do a surprise freestyle in a behind-the-scenes of XXL Cypher Lab.
Young Thug Shows How He Really Feels About Gunna’s Friendship in New Tweet, Then Deletes
Another surprising tweet from Young Thug.
Watch Ferg Bring His Uptown Bravado to the XXL Cypher and See His Interview
Ferg opens up about mastering his bars in this conversation for XXL Cypher Lab.
Watch Ab-Soul Keep the Synapses Jumping in the XXL Cypher and See His Interview
Ab-Soul makes his point with great quotes and clichés in this conversation for XXL Cypher Lab.
Gunna Might Deserve an Apology From Everyone
Does hip-hop owe Gunna an apology?
Latto Hits Up the Dominican Republic for an Exclusive Backwoods Factory Tour
Latto travels to La Romana, Dominican Republic to visit the Backwoods cigar factory.
Watch – XXL Cypher Lab Featuring Ab-Soul, Ferg and Sauce Walka Proves Lyricism Is Essential
Ab-Soul, Ferg and Sauce Walka showcase the depth of their lyrical talents in the XXL Cypher Lab.
Young Thug Apologizes for His Crimes and Vows to Never See Judge Again Unless in a Bar
Young Thug takes full responsibility for his crimes.
Watch Sauce Walka, Ab-Soul and Ferg Connect for a Much-Needed Conversation About Lyricism in Hip-Hop
Houston, the West Coast and Harlem connect in a much-needed conversation for XXL Cypher Lab.