Ask Texas – How Many Is Some? 3, 4, 5?
"Need help settling a debate. So we all know what a couple, few and some mean, right or don't we. I say a couple is 2, few is 3, and some is 4. Some say 3, 4 and 5. What is the correct meaning?" -Smilez,
Here is What Texas Had To Say About It!
Joey - Some is defined as....
- an unspecified amount or number of."I made some money running errands"
- used to refer to someone or something that is unknown or unspecified."I was talking to some journalist the other day"
Some are more than 3 all the way up to 'don't get carried away'.
Some means NONE. Cause every time I ask my wife for 'some' I get true story.
David -
Some are definitely more than 3. Almost like a handful. lol