Are You Really From Texas If You Don’t Do These 4 Things?
I was having a conversation with a coworker earlier this week about things that only Texans do. Mind you, having been born and raised here; I had no clue that certain things we do are only a Texas thing. We sat and discussed a few things, and I was shocked. I've been to other states, and I've traveled this great nation. Why have I never noticed these things?
Said coworker, by the way, is not originally from here. It is just as confusing to him that Texans are quite accustomed to what we consider 'a way of life.'
DRINK SWEET TEA -sweet tea and Texas go hand in hand. Like all states have a state bird or state flower, Texans have a drink, and that drink is sweet tea. Who needs water, juice, or soda? Not true Texans! The sweeter the tea, the better our day will be.
CONSIDER FOOTBALL A RELIGION-you cannot truly call yourself a Texan if you don't do high school football, college football, and The Dallas Cowboys. During football season, those are the things that matter. Want to take it a step further? Many, if not all, Texans will visit the church of the Dallas Cowboys, another Texans thing, at least once this coming football season.
UNDERSTAND THAT EVERYTHING REALLY IS BIGGER IN TEXAS-we don't play when it comes to 'big things.' Our trucks, our hair, most of the time our egos, and all the time our convenience stores. One imparticular I'm referring to is Buc-ee's. Buc-ee's is everything for us Texans, and it is larger than life! Someone not from Texas would think they were walking into a department store. Heck no! Fill 'er up with gas, then go inside and get you a Coke, a snack, a new outfit, a lawn chair and some home decor if you like.
DRIVE CLEAR ACROSS THE STATE TO FISH, FLOAT THE RIVER, 'FOR FUN'- when you explain to someone not from Texas that there is lots to do here. You just have to drive a few hours to get to it, their response is usually 'no problem, I can book a flight.' What? No! We don't book flights here in Texas, we drive! Long road trips are our thing. We're used to it, we love it!
10 Things Every Texan Should Know

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