5 Phrases That Prove You’re A True Texan!
Having been born and raised in Texas there are certain words and phrases I've either heard or said my whole life. As an adult, traveling to another state or country I think to myself wow Texans really do have their own speak, our own language if you will. Allow me to share some of these phrases with you.
1. Fixin' To
Probably my number 1 most common phrase. Where are you going? "I am fixin' to go to the store. I'm fixin' to leave." Translation: about to.
2. All Git-Out
This phrase is used when you are trying to communicate the most extreme case of something. "Cody's Mustang is as fast as all git-out."
3. Bless Your Heart
Simply put, this is a Texan's polite way of saying "You're a dumbass." Add "Pea Pickin'" between "Your" and "Heart" and that means you are beyond stupid or ignorant. "You fell out of the back of the pickup cause you didn't make sure the tailgate was locked in place? Bless your pea pickin' heart."
4. Dad Gum It
This is when you are around grandma and don't want to cuss. This replaces any cuss word really but it is especially used in place of "dammit." "Dad gum it Carl, where did you put the keys to the car?"
5. Come Hell or High Water
This simply means that you will do something no matter what it takes. "I am going to a Dallas Cowboys game in Arlington come hell or high water."
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Gallery Credit: Google Maps

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