Who Is The Worst Christmas Gift Giver? Find Out In This Survey
I came across an interesting survey about who gives the best and worst gifts for Christmas and it made me think back over the years who has given me the best gifts for Christmas? I think our parents are a given. Why? Because you TELL them what you want. I think mom and dad are the only ones you can tell and more often than not, they will ask for ideas and you end up getting one or all of the suggestions you gave them!
But according to this survey, they say we are most disappointed with the gifts our grandparents give us. What? No! How can you not like a gift from your little abuelita? I had to think back to all the gifts my wela gave me through the years. To be honest, they were the best.
When I was little, she would give me baby dolls. What little girl doesn't love a new baby doll to play with? I got so many from my grandmother and I adored them. I remember as I got older, I began to receive practical gifts from grandma. PJ's, socks, and houseshoes. Grandma always knew just what I needed! So I'm afraid I have to disagree with the survey.
And for grandma's like mine, who had so many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, she would get a gift for every single one. She did not miss a grand no matter how much money she had.
If you are fortunate enough to still have grandparents, cherish their gifts. Hang on to them. Especially if they happen to be homemade, something knitted or crocheted, pass them down to your children. Grandparents give the best gifts in my opinion. Nothing can ever compare to gifts my little Abuelita would give me because they were genuinely from the heart.
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