Are Texas Workers Happier Than Average?
It's hard to be happy about going back to work on Mondays. Mondays after family holidays like Easter or Passover are especially hard.
If you believe a new study by a website named Deputy, job satisfaction varies from state to state around the country. The Deputy survey gained a lot of exciting information about employees and their attitudes toward their jobs.
The survey found that 91.4% of Americans say higher pay would make them happier in their current workplace. The survey also found that 14.2% say they would be more comfortable at work with a different manager.
Before we go into how Texas ranks among US states for happiness on the job, let's delve into how Deputy came up with their rankings. According to Deputy,
we surveyed full-time and part-time workers in each state and asked them various job satisfaction-related questions. Next, we assigned a score to each answer and added them up to get an overall happiness score. Then we took the average of those scores by state to determine a state score.
According to the Deputy survey, the national average job satisfaction is 66.3. The states with the best job satisfaction were Maryland, Georgia, and Minnesota. The state with the worst average job satisfaction was California. States with the worst job satisfaction included California at the bottom, followed by Louisiana.
SO, when it comes to job satisfaction, Texas rates 72.41 which is about six points ahead of the national average. It puts nearly in the middle of all state rankings.
Deputy isn't the only study that has analyzed worker satisfaction in Texas. A Center For Economic Policy Research found that job satisfaction in Texas was higher for white and male workers than for women and minorities.
A 2019 survey by workplace culture consultancy Energate found that job satisfaction in Texas varied widely depending on the industry. Texas healthcare and education workers reported higher satisfaction levels than retail and hospitality workers.
According to an Apollo technical job satisfaction survey,
Job satisfaction statistics reveal that some of the most satisfying jobs include clergy, chiropractor, chief executive, and nurse. Roofers, waiters, bartenders, and cashiers have low satisfaction. In the U.S., 65% of employees are satisfied with their jobs, with 20% being passionate about their jobs.
Job satisfaction is a very complex issue, almost as complex as trying to get out of bed on a Monday morning. No wonder so many people are using distractions like TikTok.