More Texas Men Are Getting Sterilized After Supreme Court Ruling
After the recent overturning of Roe v Wade, clinic all over has seen a major spike in vasectomy-related appointments. Texan men have especially stepped up to the plate and began taking an extra step to ensure the safety net for Texas women who have had a portion of their freedom recently ripped away.
Houston-based clinic The Y Factor performs male-related procedures like vasectomies. They explain their services as, "Women have OB-GYNs, Men have The Y Factor!"
The clinic founder, Dr. Russel Williams has seen such an enormous amount of interest in vasectomies ever since womans' reproduction has been regulated with the overturning of Roe v Wade.
"Vasectomies have been very popular for guys over many, many years, now, there’s just an explosion.” Dr. Russel Williams explained.
Vasectomies at the Houston clinic are at an all-time high. “I do about 10 vasectomies a day, five days a week," Williams said. "And, now, we’re maxed out at 15 vasectomies per day and we’re seeing if we can’t do more vasectomies per day.”
Vasectomies are said to be more than 99% effective and keep sperm from combining with semen. Female sterilization, commonly known as tubes tied, surgically blocks the fallopian tubes that connect the ovaries to the uterus and is now known to have up to a 2% failure rate.
Reversing sterilization in females can often be reversed in younger women, however, it is very expensive and fails about a third of the time. Reversing a vasectomy in male patients has a success rate of more than 90%, however, it is also an expensive procedure.