
Texas Comedians Chingo Bling And Jon Polar Bear Gonzalez Ready To Make You Laugh At Ector Theater
Texas Comedians Chingo Bling And Jon Polar Bear Gonzalez Ready To Make You Laugh At Ector Theater
Texas Comedians Chingo Bling And Jon Polar Bear Gonzalez Ready To Make You Laugh At Ector Theater
Ok Ector Theater I see you. I really need to get out more. I was scrolling through Facebook this week and luckily came across a post about one of our favorite comedians coming to the 432. I was bummed I missed seeing him in the Metroplex when I was there a couple of weeks ago! So yeah before you go looking for something to do outside of Midland/Odessa, you might want to check the B93 app first in
I finally got my tree all decorated and I have to say I was a YouTubing fool this week! When in doubt, YouTube. lol The one thing I was trying to figure out was how to put what they call 'deco mesh' on the tree without it looking a hot mess. YouTube! And the video I learned with, the woman made decorating a tree look effortless! Check it out here:
is it a pimple?
is it a pimple?
is it a pimple?
I apologize ahead of time for being disgusting but I won't lie, things like this fascinate me. Super gross stuff is intriguing to me. Little known fact about Rebecca Cruz. lol What happens when what you thought was 'scar tissue' ends up being a ZIT that needed to be popped for about 6 years? Must see. But I warn you, it is pretty nasty....
cute baby videos
cute baby videos
cute baby videos
Back for another riveting edition of, 'what is my 2 year old watching on YouTube?' Seriously, our daughter, like most other toddler's is obsessed with the IPad. She comes up with the craziest videos that I hear in the background and just shake my head. lol

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