
Can You Be Fired For Answering An “Anonymous” Work Survey in Texas?
Can You Be Fired For Answering An “Anonymous” Work Survey in Texas?
Can You Be Fired For Answering An “Anonymous” Work Survey in Texas?
Almost every workplace uses the so-called anonymous survey to query employees. Sometimes, if the company is having a bad month for whatever reason, managers will ask employees to honestly answer some questions in an attempt to get to the bottom of what's wrong. Is it a good idea to answer honestly? Can you be fired?
Why We Love The Fall Season
Why We Love The Fall Season
Why We Love The Fall Season
According to a new survey, people were asked what their favorite part of fall is? First of all, let me say fall is my very favorite season! The cooler temps, sweater weather of course, pumpkin everything, football, getting dark outside earlier, the leaves changing colors, so many things to love. So according to this survey, the top 5 things people love about fall are:

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