i-phone proposal

//townsquare.media/site/523/files/2014/11/phones-proposal.mp3" loading="lazy" onload="this.parentNode.parentNode.classList.add('frame-loaded');" onerror="this.parentNode.parentNode.classList.add('broken-image');" fetchpriority="low" />
99 I-Phones Proposal Goes South
99 I-Phones Proposal Goes South //townsquare.media/site/523/files/2014/11/phones-proposal.mp3
It's a very important moment in your life. Coming up with a good marriage proposal can be stressful for the guy. Where do you do it? How do you do it? Do you get on one knee? A guy in Guangzhou, China wanted to propose to his girlfriend in the most spectacular way possible this weekend ... //townsquare.media/site/523/files/2014/11/phones-proposal.mp3">