This video of odd cloud lights over El Paso, Texaspopped up on Reddit recently. It was originally posted over on the High Strangeness subreddit, and eventually reposted over on the El Paso subreddit.

Did anyone see this ? Doesn't give much detail as to what part of the city . from r/ElPaso

What do you think it is? There is probably a normal explanation for the lights, but I'm going with aliens. Actually, aliens that are here to take over the planet. It's 2020 folks, let's wrap up this year appropriately. And the only want to do that is for a full-blown alien takeover. Well, not everyone agrees with me, here are some of the other things that people said these lights are.

DudMuffin88 said:

This is like the fourth video of weird cloud lights in the last week or two. At first I thought they were ground based spotlights, but there’s not a lot of events going on that would require these in so many various places right? Because pandemic

Edit: Japan Greece

Edit 2: Thanks to u/CommieKid420 for pointing this out. There is a artinstallation at the border that utilizes searchlights that people can control. That is what this is.

Foxxy31 said:

El Paso leveled up and summoned COvID Cthulhu.

The vast majority of the posts talk about ground-based spotlights reflecting off the clouds. So is that what is causing the commotion around El Paso. The region has military instillations, an international border and there's always strangeness in the desert. So what do you say?

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