SpaceX Shuttle Launch is Tomorrow
I was tuned in and so ready to watch the SpaceX launch earlier this week. I'm a huge science and space geek. I sit around watching documentaries on relativity, black holes, and quantum theory. Side note: A lot of people say they're into quantum physics not realizing the difference between quantum theory and quantum physics. Quantum physics, is the actual mathematical equations behind the theories and very few people are smart enough to follow them. Quantum theory is what explains the math. Never mind all that though lol. I'm getting side tracked. I was so disappointed when the launch got cancelled, but glad it got rescheduled so soon. I believe live streams start around 1:30 pm tomorrow and the launch is once again scheduled for 3:33 pm. I'm not sure if it'll happen though. I looked up the weather in Florida tomorrow, and right about 3 pm it looks like it'll be cloudy which is what kept them from launching earlier this week. Safety first, but man I just want to see a shuttle launch again. It's been too long. Do you think they'll have to reschedule tomorrow?
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