Halloween is meant to be a fun holiday for everyone. Collectively we dress up as our favorite character and share the fun of giving and getting special treats. For everyone to have fun, we all need to be safe this spooky season, even if you aren't participating in any Halloween activities.

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According to Texas DPS, use these driving tips to keep you and trick-or-treaters safe this Halloween.


Always be aware of your surroundings to anticipate potential issues and respond appropriately. Kids will be running in the streets trying to get to as many houses as they can for candy. Keep your eyes peeled.


It's better to be safe than sorry. Take time commuting this spooky season and take extra precautions if traveling through neighborhoods.


Halloween is fun for all ages but not when it lands you a night in jail. It's fun to dress up with your friends and go to a Halloween party, make sure you have a designated driver or just use a ride-share app.


That text message can wait until you have gotten to your next destination. We don't want you to take your eyes off the road on a pedestrian-busy night.


Besides the fact that this is the law, you should always practice safety. Make sure everyone in the car has a seat belt on, you never know what type of other drivers are on the road.


Try to store the Roadside Assistance Number in your phone. Dail 1-800-525-5555 for any assistance. If you forget to save the number, it can also be found on the back of a Texas Driver's License.

Keep Halloween Safe: Trick or Treating, Parties and Costumes

Adults AND kids need all the 'tricks' they can get to be safe on Halloween. What should be a fun day of friends, candy and gatherings can also be wrought with bad weather and mischief. Using common sense and a few cool tricks can keep everyone a little more safe, so we can have more fun!

Gallery Credit: mwolfe

Know The Meaning Of The Different Colored Pumpkins For Halloween

Those plastic pumpkins that the trick-or-treaters will be carrying around and showing up at your front door could have a very special and important meaning to them.

Gallery Credit: Lucky Larry, Mix 93-1

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