Pet Lovers-Check Out These 5 Exotic Pets It Is Not Illegal To Own In Texas!
Have you ever wanted to own anything besides a pet dog, cat, hamster, fish, or gerbil? I once had a coworker who befriended a raccoon and raised him as a pet for many years. I never really understood how in the world that came to be or why the little sucker let himself be captured, but they were family, and she loved him. Lol Some people just like to stray from 'the norm.'
Have you ever wanted to own an exotic pet? Did you know that there are certain ones it is not illegal to own in our great state of Texas? Dang it! I might have had a pet Lemur as a kid had I known this. My parents might have bought me a little Rebecca zoo if they had known that was the case. Let us explore which pets it is actually legal to own in Texas.
1. Lemurs are small, and have a pointed snout, large eyes, and a long tail. They are typically good-natured animals but do possess biting capabilities. If you choose to have a pet lemur, you must be willing to give it lots of attention.
2. If you've ever watched the movie Zootopia, there is a cute little sloth named Flash. Sloths do not like to be held or played with. They require a strict diet and a certain habitat.
3. This animal is cute and looks similar to a beaver. The capybara is considered a giant rodent from the rat and guinea pig family and can grow to be about the size of a medium to large dog. They love to swim and require a deep water habitat to satisfy this need.
4. Not your typical household kitten. The Asian Leopard Cat is a wild species of cat that typically eats small prey like rodents and lizards. They are domesticated cats but keep in mind certain permits are required to have one as a pet.
5. Kangaroos are cool to look at, I'll wave at one at a zoo, but I can't say I've ever wanted to have one in my home. They require lots of land to roam, so if you don't have the space, you probably shouldn't own one. They can grow to be up to 6'7'' and can weigh up to 200 pounds.
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