My Man Is Upset Guy TEXTED Me ‘Love Ya!’ – Leo and Rebecca Buzz Question
Leo and Rebecca Buzz Question - So my MAN is trippin because a guy I have known forever TEXTED me... 'Luv Ya!' Um, he didn't say I Love You which to me is more intimate....it's just a saying like 'Luv Ya!'...'Much Love'.....no biggie. He says NO man should text another woman who is not her significant other the word 'Luv Ya!' He trippin right?
This is what the 432 had to say on our Facebook!
Rebecca Hernández
Yeah he's tripping cause we tell brother and sisters I love you or even church members I love you, good close friends too.
Jacob Garcia
Well let a female tell him Luv Ya and see what you think... Most people now a days are too lazy to spell it how it should be “Love You”
Orlando N Patricia Hinds
"He's tripping"????
Just because he clearly isn't able to articulate the boundaries of the relationship he expects you to respect. This girl clearly knows how to pick a man so she can blurr lines to feel wanted at all times.
Eric Holguin
What MAN says "LUV YA" anyways??
Albert Tarango
He's tryin to get in yo panties
Billy Valdez
Dump her so they can get together and you can start texting her “luv ya” and see how he feels. ♂️
Ricky Barrientes
I remember my ex asking "who is texting I love you" after she came home with tats she didn't tell me she was getting that day. Just break up, its easier.
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