Texans Will BE Receiving $500 Of Tax-Exempt Money In 2024, Here’s Why
According to OMD news, Texas is starting the new year off, by making sure low-income residents are taken care of. A program called Uplift Harris program assists households here in Texas with millions in assistance this 2024 year. American Rescue Act provided Texas with $20.5 million during the summer.

Once the American Rescue Act sent out its approval, the objective was to support 1,928 Low-income households that could receive $500 monthly payments for 18 months. This assistance will start in Harris County, and there will be certain requirements that individuals will need to consider to become eligible. Being over the age of 18 and earning at least 200% of the federal poverty line is something that will be considered for Texans to be eligible for the $500 payments.
Texans to also be considered to receive the $500 monthly payment, the individuals will need to reside in one of the 10 ZIP Codes with the lowest income level in that county. Only one person per household will be considered eligible for the monthly payments, and the point of the program is to provide financial assistance, and more importantly, without any restrictions on how to utilize the $500 check. Texans also have to consider that these $500 checks will also be tax-exempt as well. Texans who need assistance or want to see if they’re eligible will need to click here.
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