One of the biggest hassles for most people is not moving, but finding the next rental home or apartment they will live in.

Not to tell too much of my business, but me and my roomie of 9 years decided to call it quits and I am ready to upgrade to something nicer. Little did I know what kind of ride I was in for!

Let's start with the actual looking part of the process.

I was looking for something 650 Sq Ft 1 Bedroom or bigger that takes pets, has laminate flooring, instead of carpet, and under $1,100 a month.

Not asking for too much there.

So I found a place that met my requirements and decided to go visit. Now I am not going to mention any names of complexes, because I am not shady like that, but this place was semi-known and run by a larger property management company.

The rent was $1140 a month. A little more than I wanted to spend, but I thought it was doable.

But let's add in all the extras and see what happens.

Base Rent:     $1140 + Carport (Not Optional) $20 + Pet Rent (2 Cats) $40 = $1200

Not good so far, but then the deposits and fees.

$350 Rental Deposit + $1200 Pet Deposit (2 cats x $600) + $100 Administration Fee + $60 Application Fee = $1710

So just to move in would cost me $2910.


Needless to say, I passed on this one.

In my next installment, applications rejections abound!


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