Help! How Do I Shut Down The Idea That My Pool Is The Neighborhood Community Pool?
Listener Wrote:
Help! How Do I Shut Down The Idea That My Pool Is The Neighborhood Community Pool? Last year we got a new pool and we invited a lot of the neighbors over. The kids invited their friends and we invited many neighbors as well. WELL, it got out of hand and our pool literally became the 'community pool' I don't mind it every now and then but it got out of hand. Any suggestions on how to shut that down this summer?
Just tell them that because the rona, you're not letting all kinds of people just come over & jump in ur pool.... but if they really want to, it'll b $10....
Just tell them it ain’t no community pool
This is exactly how to do it.
First, buy a bunch of paving stones. They can range anywhere from 33 cents to $1.99 at your local hardware store.
Ask each neighbor to see if they can help you go lift each and have them drive you to pick up a few of said…
Just put down some ground rules
Don't sugar coat it. Tell them off ♂️ or make money off of it.
Sell your swimming pool to a neighbor so when you want to swim you can go to there house. And the best part is your not gonna have to clean up everyone’s mess. Boom!!! Problem solved! Lol!
Easy. Tell them its your pool, not the neighborhoods.
Start charging.... Offer membership fee's and an additional fee for bringing a friend fee
Start charging say it’s for cleaning chemicals and etc.. bet they stop showing up lol
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