Yeah, it's the dumbest thing. Have you ever tried to open the easiest thing just to find out it's harder than you thought? Usually, things wrapped in tight cellophane are crazy. BUT, my deodorant knob?

Let me first say that it's not just this one. I have had issues with other deodorant knobs. Ha ha. Maybe it's this brand. Anyway, to get the deodorant out you have to turn the knob on the bottom of the deodorant to push up the deodorant through the top. THIS is where I scratch my head. Because its never an easy thing. I seem not to get good grip or something. Maybe it's because I usually apply when I come out of the shower and my hands are wet? I do dry them. Not sure whats happening here but defintely goes under the file of things that me go mmmmm. Lol I swear Im not that weak . Oh well...I eventually do get it open.

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