Ask Midland Odessa – Introduced MY EX As A Friend To My Current Man!
Buzz Question - So I feel a little guilty because I introduced MY EX as a friend to my MAN! Look, I didn't want any DRAMA at the time and didn't get any! But I do feel a little guilty now. Did I do the right thing by just leaving it as that. I doubt we will ever see him again??
Just tell him. You already said you feel guilty you didn't. Let him know why you didn't tell him and move on. An ex is an ex for a reason!
Steve- Hate to tell you, but he already knows. Most of the time we can tell if a GUY in your past was just a friend or more than that.
Rosie -
Either way I think it doesn't matter honestly. I mean you didn't actually lie when you said he was friend of the past. ON what Level?: Who cares at this point. Your new man is your new man and that's al that matters.