$3 Dominos Pizzas Drop Today To Help St. Jude!
It's happening today the $3 Domino's pizzas are back! Join us today for $3 Domino's Pizzas with partial proceeds going to St. Jude. Two locations only in Odessa at 2624 East 8th Street
In Midland at Illinois and Midkiff. From 4p to 6pm!
Cash only, with partial proceeds going to St. Jude. Stop by and grab some pizza TODAY. B93 and Domino's have been helping St. Jude for years now and we're so grateful that Domino's does these St Jude events.
St Jude is such an awesome place it is dedicated to curing diseases, cancer, and more. AND, it is strictly a kids hospital and, I have seen personally the work they do there and it is mind-blowing. How about the fact that no family pays for the services of St Jude? How about the fact that they will fly families to Memphis, Tennessee to the hospital for treatment that they need. How about the fact that families are put up with accommodations and even food cards through the week. St Jude Children's Hospital in Memphis is one of the best places I have ever visited. This is a place of love and it is a place of healing. Ask any family or kid that's ever gone to St. Jude whether they feel it's a hospital . All of them will tell you it does not. It is a place of Hope and not only do they cure so many kids at St. Jude they also are doing research daily to find cures that they share with hospitals all around the world. St Jude Children's Hospital is a beautiful place and you can help today by picking up a $3 pizza from Dominos with $1 going to St Jude. God Bless and we will see you out at Domino's.