The New Texas Firewood Law Says Burn It Where You Buy It

As the Winter season continues to settle into Texas and the Big Country starts shutting down because of snowy or icy conditions we all try to find ways to stay warm. I will admit from the very start here that, I am the world's worst gatherer of firewood as I well know from my Boy Scout days to always be prepared and gather in advance.
More importantly, the fact that there are new laws about where we can get firewood and make sure I do not cross county lines with said firewood. Yet again, I'm caught calling around or going from place to place trying to find good firewood to heat my home during the freeze. If I had followed my Boy Scout teachings I would be at home enjoying some tasty S'mores while enjoying a nice warm fire.
It's Prohibited To Move Firewood In And Out Of Certain Counties In Texas
Yes, as aforementioned new Texas State regulations clearly state that six counties are under quarantine due to the destructive invasive emerald ash borer; this means it is illegal to move firewood originating in these six counties to other areas within Texas. The Six counties are Bowie, Cass, Denton, Harrison, Marion, and Tarrant.
Know Where To Go To Get Firewood In And Around Abilene
Look: Here's Where You Can Purchase Legal and Local Firewood
Invasive Species Are The Main Reason For These Texas Regulations
Furthermore, yes Abilene and Taylor County are under different types of restrictions. The Texas Department of Agriculture also has an additional 192 counties shut down because of the Texas invasive imported red fire ant, prohibiting the movement of firewood in or out of these counties. Another invasive pest that Texas authorities closely monitor is the invasive Mexican soapberry borer, which has already been discovered in another 50 Texas counties.
<p>The Texas Department of Agriculture provides the following recommendations for firewood users to help protect the state’s natural resources by slowing the spread of destructive forest pests:</p><ul><li>Buy firewood locally in the county where you plan to burn it</li><li>Do not transport firewood to any other counties, campgrounds, or parks of any kind</li></ul>
So with that said, the new Don't Move Firewood.com motto is: "Buy It Where You Burn It", and here are a few places where you can find local firewood. Many of these local firewood suppliers are harvesting the wood from in and around Abilene and or Taylor county. Fortunately, many of the above-mentioned are also delivering and stacking firewood.
Sources: Don't Move Firewood.org, Texas Invasive Species,
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