One-Hit Wonder

Today Is National One-Hit Wonder Day! Remember These Classics? [VIDEO]
Today Is National One-Hit Wonder Day! Remember These Classics? [VIDEO]
Today Is National One-Hit Wonder Day! Remember These Classics? [VIDEO]
Today is National One-Hit Wonder Day! A one-hit wonder is a musical act or person who was known for only one hit song, or only one that anyone remembers anyway. Vanilla Ice is the perfect example! Everyone and their mama knows Ice, Ice Baby and knows every word to the song, but can you do the same with any of his other music?
Happy National One-Hit Wonder Day!
Happy National One-Hit Wonder Day!
Happy National One-Hit Wonder Day!
Today is National One-Hit Wonder Day! The term 'one-hit wonder' is most often used to describe music performers with only one-hit single. I have to say many great songs have come from one-hit wonder artists. When you think about it you wonder why they only had success with one song and then we never hear from them again...