What's trending now? I'll tell ya. Hear the story about the mother who was issued a ticket for letting her 3 year old little boy pee in THEIR OWN front yard? Apparently there was a police officer nearby who witnessed the incident and immediately drove up to issue the mother a citation for 'public urination.' Hello? He's THREE! 

As the mother of 2 boys, I have to say, if this is 'against the law' or whatever, then I've broken the law more than once!! If you have boys, you know what I'm talking about. Half the time little boys wait til the last second to let you know they have to go and by that time it's too late, you turn around and he's peeing on a tree rather than going inside to use the bathroom. It's happened, not gonna lie. My 6 year old has probably done this when he's playing outside with his friends and I didn't even know it? Could I seriously be ticketed for that? It's not like we teach our kids this stuff good grief! Honestly, I thought that was the good thing about having boys, they can go anywhere? What ever happened to 'boys will be boys?' How many times have you stopped on the side of the road on a trip because your little one can't hold it anymore and there's not a rest stop for miles? Heck, grown men do it! The parents of the toddler are fighting the ticket because they think it's ridiculous. What do you think? Was a ticket necessary?


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