I kid you not, I read an article today that said that research shows that people are  happiest at  7:26 p.m. on Saturday night. First of all, who does this research? Second, why not 7:25 or 7:27?

 I don't know about you but I'm pretty darn happy at 5:00p.m. on Friday afternoon. Quittin' time. Time to kickoff the weekend! 12:00 noon everyday because it's lunchtime? Now that makes more sense. Or how about 8:30 a.m. Monday-Friday when you've dropped off the kids at school? (wait, am I the only one?) I'm actually trying to remember what I might have been doing last Saturday night at said time? This all sounds ridiculous I know, but don't lie to yourself, you know after reading this blog you will make it a point to pay attention to your surroundings this Saturdayat 7:26 and check your mood. I'm sure I will. What time would you say you are the happiest?

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