
Late Excuses
Late Excuses
Late Excuses
Whether you have kids or a busy work schedule, it's going to happen. Despite all your work to get somewhere on time, you'll be a few minutes late. While there are some excuses your boss/spouse may not accept, here a few that only West Texans can get away with saying...
Who plays B-I-N-G-O at work? We do! lol For real, we played the other day and I had forgotten just how much fun it is, especially when you win and trust, I did. Our super cool boss decide to have a bit of a fun day, treating us all to lunch followed by some bingo playing.
this was thrown out
this was thrown out
this was thrown out
Who does this? We just discovered in the refrigerator that someone threw out the bottom DRAWERS, the 'crispers' as my tia calls them. Someone in our building totally got lazy and decided to throw the drawers away instead of just cleaning them out! And of course the worst part is that no one will 'fess up. lol
cellphones at work
cellphones at work
cellphones at work
According to a recent survey, 60% of workers between the ages of 18-34 say they would quit their job if they couldn't use their smart phones at work, specifically for personal use and social media. Are you kidding me? When I got my first job, thank goodness, cell phones were barely becoming a thing.
Wife Has Started Dressing Up At Work
Wife Has Started Dressing Up At Work
Wife Has Started Dressing Up At Work
Leo and Rebecca In The Morning...BUZZ QUESTION...My wife has started to REALLY DRESS UP lately at work. I mean she really is getting her self all DID UP!! It's not a new job, she didn't get a promotion...WHATS UP?? (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d...