
Leo and Rebecca Deliver Subway To Joe Pinner Branch YMCA Daycare!
Leo and Rebecca Deliver Subway To Joe Pinner Branch YMCA Daycare!
Leo and Rebecca Deliver Subway To Joe Pinner Branch YMCA Daycare!
We have teamed up with Subway to deliver these PARTY TRAYS to offices in the 432. We are the Party Station so Party Trays make a lot of sense to us. Today we had the pleasure of delivering to Adanica Alvarado at the gret crew at Joe Pinner Branch YMCA Daycare...
Been One Of Those Days But This Helped!
Been One Of Those Days But This Helped!
Been One Of Those Days But This Helped!
Has it felt like a Monday to anyone else today? My day started off a little cray, let me explain...first of all, I woke up late, one of those quick-shower-get-dressed-out-the-door days! Then I get in my car and realize I'm SUPER LOW on gas, like one of those say a prayer and haul butt to work things. Then I busted 1 of my favorite necklaces and might I add not a cheap one!
Look, no one likes to sit next to someone with body odor. But, there is also a thing called compassion. Today's found sound is a lady who went off a person who was next to her on the subway with some B.O. She handled it very poorly. We talked about it below on Leo and Rebecca in the morning...