
Never Fry Your Texas Turkey Like This - How To Be Much Safer
Never Fry Your Texas Turkey Like This - How To Be Much Safer
Never Fry Your Texas Turkey Like This - How To Be Much Safer
There is not much better eatin' on the planet than what we do right here in Texas on Thanksgiving. Friends and family as far as the eye can see, mouths watering cause they know soon it will be eating time and fried turkey is one of the best-tasting ways to prepare that giant bird for the family, but it's also the most dangerous way to prepare that bird.
How Certain Formula Shortage Solutions Could Harm Your Baby
How Certain Formula Shortage Solutions Could Harm Your Baby
How Certain Formula Shortage Solutions Could Harm Your Baby
As of yesterday, Abbott and the Food and Drug Administration have reached a consent decree that will allow the plant to potentially reopen in two weeks. However, it will take much longer for store shelves to start seeing products. This leaves parents desperate to find ways to feed their children in the interim.  ...
Ladies If You Do This At The Grocery Store Please Stop!
Ladies If You Do This At The Grocery Store Please Stop!
Ladies If You Do This At The Grocery Store Please Stop!
I am on a roll today! Giving you tips on what not to do in certain situations. How not to get your iPhone stolen and now what not to do at the grocery store. FYI, yes I am speaking from experience. I did both of these things recently and learned a couple of hard lessons in the process.

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