Shut up, it's over! What if I told you there is a way to burn calories without diet or exercise? I can't make this stuff up...a new study shows that you can burn up to 200 calories just by watching a horror movie! And since it is the time to be doing so anyway for Halloween, I figured I should share this little secret. One 90 minute horror movie can burn about 113 calories, which is the equivalent of going for a walk or NOT eating that candybar. Wanna burn even more calories? Here are the top 3 movies that help you do so: 


1.)The Shining-184 calories

2.)Jaws-161 calories

3.)The Exorcist-158 calories

Researchers say the reason for this is that these flicks set your pulse racing which increases adrenaline, blah, blah, blah....does it matter? I'm going to watch a scary movie a day if it gets me out of the zumba I do now! I'm so NOT a fan of scary movies but I'm even less a fan of exercise. Seems worth it to me! By the way, did I mention you can't watch these movies at home with a big bucket of buttery popcorn and a coke, that's defeating the purpose. (Awww man, way to burst your bubble right?) If this is true about scary movies, what can ya give me for a haunted house?


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