It’s about a month away from Megan’s B Day but unfortunately it takes about a month to get mail to a NAVAL BATTLESHIP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN!!

On a related note, her ship made the news for recently rescuing two downed pilots! Hey Ludacris, My chick bad, my chick good. My chick do stuff that your chick wish she could. Seriously, I don’t get the obsession with booty shaking and a girl who can “twerk while in a split.” Megan is smokin’ hot, is crazy smart, does IT for the military, hunts pirates, AND makes me laugh. . . .WINNING!Luda, you got nothin’ on me! . . . . except for maybe money, fame, Ferraris, a swimming pool, an awesome hot tub, and a mansion but I digress.


Make sure you send your loved ones in the military care packages as much as possible. They feel incomplete and disconnected when they’re that far away from their loved ones. What may seem little to you means the world to them. In addition to her card, I also sent about $100 worth of junk food, a stuffed animal, and my ball cap. Smell is the closest sense tied to memory. What is a smelly old ball cap to me, is the quickest way to feel like she’s back at home for her. Most people don’t even realize that they absolutely love the subtle smell of their significant other until they are separated. . . .Fellas that doesn’t mean stop showering and using deodorant for a week then trap your lady in a corner and make her sniff you while screaming out “LOOOOVE MEEE!!!” 

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