Well, I did it.....I went lastnight to watch Iron Man 3! Had a blast at the Big Sky Drive-In with my friend 'Mr.Chihuahua.'

Honestly had never tried one until lastnight, man those things are good. lol But enough about that. Back to the movie...I have to say, I personally, LOVED it! I may be biased because I am a huge Robert Downey Jr. fan but it was great. Lots of action, great effects and there were a few parts of the movie that made me think, 'oh snap, I didn't see that coming!' My kiddos loved it as well.

However, just to give another perspective, the male perspective, the better half literally said he hated it. Maybe that's the difference between a man and woman's opinion. He gave his reasons and said it 'wasn't what he expected.' So, do you plan to watch or have you already and what did you think?

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