What I wouldn't give to have been able to line dance on Soul Train back in the day! These peeps had some moves and even though I don't think I can dance quite like this, I'm going to give it my best try at our Boogie Nights disco bash! lol You must join us at La Hacienda Event Center on Saturday, April 18th. 

We will be having a 'best digs' contest, do the Hustle and a village people look alike contest! Watch the video and at about the 2:27 mark, I'm thinking this is what Leo, Chris Brizzown and I are gonna try! lol

Put on your groovy gear, your platforms, your bell bottoms, whatever cool 70's stuff you've got and let's 'shake our groove thing' at Boogie Nights! Get your office, your family, your friends together and get a V.I.P. table before they sell out! Or go ahead and purchase your tickets here.

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