
What's Your Fav Song?
What's Your Fav Song?
What's Your Fav Song?
I do the countdown every night and we tally up all the requested songs in the 432 but I want to know individually what your favorite song on B93 is. Mine is constantly changing. I think Bad and Boujee was my favorite for a while and before that it was On The Way by DJ Luke Nasty but I think I have a new favorite trying to sneak in...
Dust Devil or Tornado?
Dust Devil or Tornado?
Dust Devil or Tornado?
My girl Andrea took this video of the Academy parking lot while this bowled through. No one can seem to decide whether it's a tornado or a dirt devil. I say tornado all the way. What do you think?
Rebecca Loves Snapchat
Rebecca Loves Snapchat
Rebecca Loves Snapchat
I dunno why this was so funny to me but Rebecca was laughing so hard at the new Snapchat filters that I had to take some video. Watch her lose her ish as she scrolls through the bunny rabbit filter.
West Texas Super Hero
West Texas Super Hero
West Texas Super Hero
If there were a Superhero who fought crime in west Texas what would his or her name be, what would their superpower be, and who would be their super villain? Don't ask me what made me think you this, but I thought it would be a really fun game to play with our listeners...
Facebook Funnies
Facebook Funnies
Facebook Funnies
Here's yet another moment when the posts on Facebook match up just right and the stars align to make a funny and ironic moment. I had a HORRIFYING dream last night that I was drying off after a shower when 2 giant fist sized spiders fell out of the towel and were scrambling around all creepy like...
Fastest Drive Thru in the West?
Fastest Drive Thru in the West?
Fastest Drive Thru in the West?
One thing we have plenty of in West Texas is Drive Thru's. We love our guns and we love not getting out of the car. We love it so much we have drive thru beer stores. The question is, who's the fastest. Don't be hatin'. I know as soon as I asked that a few of you were thinking "Well I definitely know who's NOT the fastest...
What's Your Fav Whataburger Burger?
What's Your Fav Whataburger Burger?
What's Your Fav Whataburger Burger?
Any Texan has it built into their blood to love Whataburger. How could you not love it? They always seem to think up new clever ways to throw things upon a delicious bun of yumminess. Unfortunately, this causes a dilemma for me. They now have so many specialty burgers that every time I get there it takes me 20 minutes to decide which one to get...
Never Waxing My Leg Again
Never Waxing My Leg Again
Never Waxing My Leg Again
Nope! Not happening again. The video doesn't do it justice. Make no mistake about it, this hurts like a mofo. Fella's I highly recommend you do not try this at home. Although, all the other services The King's Cave had available were flat out awesome...
Can Boots be Gangsta?
Can Boots be Gangsta?
Can Boots be Gangsta?
Can cowboy boots be gangsta? The correct answer is, I don't care. You may remember my blog about not liking new shoes and how I like to just wear the same shoe as much as possible until it dies. So I got to brain storming and came up with a solution...
I Call BS on Casey Anthony
I Call BS on Casey Anthony
I Call BS on Casey Anthony
I don't like to get too serious most of the time but, I was flipping through the MRT today and this caught my eye. Someone please tell me that Casey Anthony's dumb ass didn't just come out saying she didn't care what people thought. Casey I just have one quick question...

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