Sunday nights Big Brother saw Gina Marie win the HOH for the first time this season. When she won, I really didn't know who for sure was safe this week. Arryn seems to think she is and by the way the were dancing around after she won I guess that's the deal. I knew they were close but I didn't think they were ALL THAT CLOSE.

Jessie finally wakes up and makes some noise as she confronts Amanda about bullying everyone. And what's the deal with AMANDA walking around in her underwear . Put some pants on girl. LOL  It also looks like McCrae is starting to realize that Amanda's drama in the house could eventually bring him down.

Gina puts up JESSIE and CANDICE up on the block. Candice seems defeated in the house, will she survive this week? And, will America put up Arryn as the 3rd nominee?

Next episode Wednesday night on CBS.

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