You see YouTube videos all the time. Everything from silly pranks to the latest music videos, but there are some videos that really stick out in your mind. While browsing the countless videos, I decided to group 10 videos you probably won't be able to watch without grabbing a tissue or at least tearing up a little bit.

If you have an emotional video that gets you every time, be sure to go our on Facebook page and share it with us.

  • 1

    The Surgery of Audrina Cardenas

    You can't help but love when someone from our area gets the help they need and deserve. This was very much the case of Audrina Cardenas who was born with a third of her heart outside of her body. A team of surgeons saved her life by rebuilding her chest. We must tell you that this video does have scenes from the surgery which can be graphic. The story itself is emotional, especially since it involves someone from here in the Permian Basin.

  • 2

    The Singing of the National Anthem at the Boston Bruins Game

    The bombings at the Boston Marathon gripped the country as we all tried to make sense of the tragedy and take in just what had happened. A few days later, just like after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, it was videos like this that unified many of us. While the national anthem is sung at sporting events all the time, the Boston Bruins game was emotional as the crowd suddenly sang the song louder than those with the microphone. It may be difficult not to feel a sense of national pride after seeing so many people join together after a tragedy like that.

  • 3

    29-year-old Woman Hears for the First Time

    It's the simple act of hearing that brought many people to tears in this video. A 29-year-old woman received an implant, allowing her to hear for the first time and it was all caught on tape. Her reaction is priceless.

  • 4

    Shampoo Commercial Tugs at the Heart Strings

    This next video comes from overseas and isn't even in English, but has made many people grab a Kleenex. Of all things, it's a shampoo commercial. Whether it got you to buy it or not, it did get you to watch it to the end.

  • 5

    Susan Boyle's First Audition

    Who could forget Susan Boyle? The underdog on the Britain's Got Talent. While it's become viral many times over, it's hard to forget the first time you watch it. Hardly anyone could imagine the voice she has the first time you saw her.

  • 6

    Father Helps Derek Redmond Finish His Race

    Athletes often have some amazing stories about how they got to where they are, but it's what happened to Derek Redmond during his race that had many people in awe. After suffering a serious injury, his father ran down to the field and helped him finish the race. His dad definitely earned father points for that one.

  • 7

    Yoga and Determination Helps Man Regain His Health

    It's not just the highly trained athletes that can grab our attention in these YouTube videos. One that went viral and got many people pushing themselves to get into shape featured a former member of the military who was suffering from severe injuries following jumps as a paratrooper. Thanks to a lot of encouragement, a yoga regimen and amazing determination, he got to where he could not only walk, but run.

  • 8

    Dog Cries When Military Mom Returns Home

    Military homecomings and dogs. Do you need anything more to get those eyes tearing up? Here's an especially emotional reunion of a dog being reunited with his owner after months apart during her deployment overseas. It's been around for years, but it's hard to debate how much the dog missed her.

  • 9

    Girl is Granted Her Most Wanted Christmas Wish

    The deployments men and women serve overseas are also a sacrifice made by their families here in the United States. It's always nice to see when they are reunited and especially when children have no idea their mother or father is home to surprise them. Check out how one father surprised gave his daughter a Christmas gift she will never forget.

  • 10

    Soldier Surprises Daughter in Class

    It may be the most popular military homecoming on YouTube. You've seen it in commercials, news programs and just about every compilation of surprise soldier homecoming video. The fact that she said in the video that he wasn't expected home just yet makes the surprise that much better.

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