Many folks don't like snakes including yours truly unless they are behind a glass then I'm good with that. But how about a two-headed snake? Would that give you the creeps or what?
Are you moving to Texas soon? Have you been thinking about it? I'll be the first to stand up and shout that I love my state! Texas is the greatest state in the Union, of that, I have no doubt. There can be challenges living here though, for instance, there are a lot of critters that will try to kill you and then consume you here.
As temperatures continue to climb and as dry as it's been in Texas, expect to see more snakes. Now, while snakes a pretty scary not all snakes are bad, these are some of the good guys.
If you grew up in West Texas then you are probably no stranger to wildlife. I just stumbled on this picture from a friend on Facebook and decided to give this public service announcement.