
Gross! Have You Eaten This Food Item That Has Been Recalled Due To Contamination?
Gross! Have You Eaten This Food Item That Has Been Recalled Due To Contamination?
Gross! Have You Eaten This Food Item That Has Been Recalled Due To Contamination?
Why am I like this? I walked into work to start a brand new work week, breakfast in tow and as I am eating said breakfast, browsing the internet as one does, I come upon an article that the very thing I am eating has been recalled. Oopsie! Mind you, I eat this particular item on a regular basis, so far so good JS.
MIdland-Odessa Is This How You Get Rid Of A Sore Throat?
MIdland-Odessa Is This How You Get Rid Of A Sore Throat?
MIdland-Odessa Is This How You Get Rid Of A Sore Throat?
I have had such fun this week with allergies, a sore throat, mocos and eventually the loss of my voice. When it is literally your livelihood, it is zero fun. Especially when you don't see it coming. I was good one minute, TMI...blowing my nose, sneezing, coughing and such, and all of a sudden the hoarse voice, then little to no voice.
Is There Truth To The Rumor That Kids In Midland-Odessa May Homeschool Again This Year Due To COVID?
Is There Truth To The Rumor That Kids In Midland-Odessa May Homeschool Again This Year Due To COVID?
Is There Truth To The Rumor That Kids In Midland-Odessa May Homeschool Again This Year Due To COVID?
I heard a rumor recently that I must know if it is true. I was having a chat with some other mom friend's and one of them said she 'heard' that because of the new Omicron variant of COVID and resurgence in cases here locally, it may only be a matter of time before our kids homeschool once again. I got 2020 flashbacks and I do not like it one bit.
Cold & Flu Season Is Here-Here Are Some Remedies That Work For Me
Cold & Flu Season Is Here-Here Are Some Remedies That Work For Me
Cold & Flu Season Is Here-Here Are Some Remedies That Work For Me
It never fails, this time every year, yours truly gets sicker than sick. I always lose my voice. That is a given. But I also typically end up with the worst type of cold, one year it was the flu and let me tell you it stinks! Who wants to be sick for the holidays? Not me!
Who Grew Up Using Vicks To Cure Everything? Check Out What You Can Find Now
Who Grew Up Using Vicks To Cure Everything? Check Out What You Can Find Now
Who Grew Up Using Vicks To Cure Everything? Check Out What You Can Find Now
My momma would be so proud. Who remembers growing up using Vicks Vapo-ruuuu for everything? If I woke up with a sore throat, Vicks. If I started coughing, Vicks. If my head hurt Vicks. I would have to rub it on my temples. No lie. Mexican mommas didn't mess around and there was always a jar of Vicks somewhere around the house at any given time. How did that stuff never run out? lol

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