
Is It Illegal to Buy or Sell Human Bones or Organs in Texas?
Is It Illegal to Buy or Sell Human Bones or Organs in Texas?
Is It Illegal to Buy or Sell Human Bones or Organs in Texas?
There is a website called JonsBones where you can purchase human "osteology." According to JonsBones, the best sellers include vertebrae, rib bones, femur bones, and human teeth. They'll sell you any bone you want. However, eBay did ban human bone sales back in 2016. Is it legal to buy or sell human bones in Texas?
Midland Children’s Business Fair This Saturday
Midland Children’s Business Fair This Saturday
Midland Children’s Business Fair This Saturday
I sure wish this type of thing would have been around when I was in school. An excellent opportunity for young entrepreneurs to make/develop a product or service and sell their creations. I have seen this done in my hometown of late and upon further investigation realized what it was. I love this concept!